
The Resistance (Boston: Beacon Press, 1971), with Staughton Lynd (a history of draft resistance in America, 1960-70).


“Mobilizing the Ghetto,” Liberation, January 1964 (on the black movement of  Chester, Pennsylvania).

“Mister Charlie’s Law and Order,” Liberation, November 1964 (on Chester and  Harlem).

“On Being Indicted,” New York Review of Books, April 25, 1968; reprinted in  Trials of the Resistance(New York: New York Review, 1970) (on my indictment  with Dr. Spock, Rev. Coffin, Raskin, and Goodman for conspiracy to violate  the draft law, January 1968).

“The Resistance,” Boston Globe Sunday Magazine, August 18, 1968.

“The Navy’s Got its Own MX,” Oakland Tribune, May 9, 1985.

“Religious Revival on the Left,” The Nation, July 6/13, 1985.  

            * Reprinted in  Utne Reader15, April/May 1986.

“A Citizen’s Guide to Arms Control Euphemisms,” Christianity and Crisis,  October 28, 1985.

“Beneath the Stars: The Real Arms Race,” The Radical Quarterly3, Spring 1987 (published by the Liberal Party, United Kingdom).

“Beneath the Stars: The Real Arms Race,” [different from the above, much  longer],Tikkun2:2, Spring 1987.

“Reykjavik: What’s Next?” Nuclear Times, May/June 1987.

“Why I Joined the Resistance,” in Mary Susannah Robbins, ed., Against the Vietnam War: Writings by Activists(Syracuse, NY: Syracuse Univ. Press, 1999; rev.ed., Rowman and Littlefield, 2007).

“Resisting War Crimes: Vietnam and Iraq,” in Jeremy Brecher, Jill Cutler, and Brendan Smith, ed., In the Name of Democracy: American War Crimes in Iraq and Beyond(New York: Metropolitan Books, 2005). 

 “Memorial for David Dellinger and William Sloane Coffin,” in Mary Susannah Robbins, ed., Peace Not Terror(Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2008).

  “Chicago 1968 Was a Gift to the War Hawks” (with Robert Levering), History News Network19 August 2018.

“Balancing freedom of conscience and equitable access,” one of six authors led by Wendy Chavkin, American Journal of Public Health108:11(November 2018) 1487-88, an editorial.

I have omitted some seventy-five articles for university and denominational journals, interviews, and transcripts of speeches, as well as several articles published as pamphlets by the Coalition for a New Foreign Policy, New Hampshire Peace Action, and other organizations.

Published Sermons

“A Time to Say No,” given at the Arlington Street Church, Boston, October 16, 1967. Winner of the Clarence Skinner Award by the Unitarian Universalist Association, 1968, for the best sermon on public issues.  Reprinted in several Unitarian Universalist journals, as well as The Humanist, May-June 1968; Jessica Mitford, The Trial of Doctor Spock (New York: Knopf, 1969); Massimo Teodori, ed., The New Left(Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1970); David R. Weber, ed., Civil Disobedience in America(Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1978); Alexander Bloom and Wini Breines, ed., “Takin’ it to the Streets”: A Sixties Reader(New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1995); Mary Susannah Robbins, ed., Against the Vietnam War: Writings by Activists (Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 1999; rev. ed. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield, 2007); excerpted in James Henretta, David Brody, and Lynn Dumenil, America: A Concise History(NY: Worth, 1998).

“The Politics of Memory,” given at the Arlington Street Church, Boston, October 16, 1977.  Reprinted, slightly abridged, in Win, January 12, 1978.


Review of Gene Sharp, The Politics of Nonviolent Action, in Worldview, November 1973.

“Chiller,” review of Wini Breines, Community and Organization in the New Left: 1962-1968, in Radical History Review28-30 (1984).

Review of Benjamin Spock and Mary Morgan, Spock on Spock, in The Nation, February 5, 1990.

Review of Joseph Kip Kosek, Acts of Conscience: Christian Nonviolence and Modern American Democracy, in The Sixties4:1 (2011): 73-75.